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    Fission gas release from rock-like fuels, PuO2-ZrO2(Y) {or ThO2}-Al2O3-MgO at burn-up of 20MWd/kg, 1997. - VI,31 p. p.

    Data/Code / Japan atomic energy research institute. 2003-004 : Deposition of radionuclides and stable elements in Tokai-Mura / T.Ueno,H.Amano, 2003. - VI,49 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Porntepkasemsan B. Stable isotope ratios of the atmospheric CH4 CO2 and N2O in Tokai-Mura / B.Porntepkasemsan,M.A.Andoh,H.Amano, 2000. - IV,43 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Conferences / Japan atomic energy research inst. 2003-010 : Transfer of radionuclides in biosphere: prediction and assessment : Proceedings if the international symposium, Mito, Dec.18-19, 2002 / ред.ed. H. Amano, ред.ed. S. Uchida, 2003. - IX, 394 p. 394 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Proceedings of the workshop on the results of the cooperative research between JAERI chescir concerning the study on assessment and analysis of environmental radiological consequences and verification of an assessment system, Nov.16-17, 1999, Tokyo / Workshop on the results of the cooperative research between JAERI chescir concerning the study on assessment and analysis of environmental radiological consequences and verification of an assessment system (1999 ; Tokyo) , 2001. - 205 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Data/Code / Japan atomic energy research inst. 2002-024 : Environmental monitoring data around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant : Used in the cooperative research project between JAERI a. CHESCIR (Ukraine): Cooperative research / T.Ueno,T.Matsunaga,H.Amano;T.Ueno, T.Matsunaga, H.Amano et al., 2003. - IX,414 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.