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    JAEA-Technology / Japan atomic energy agency. 2008-076 : Conceptual design and related R & D on ITER mechanical based primary pumping system / S. Tanzawa [et al.], 2008. - IV, 99 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    New profiled silicon PIN photodiode for scintillation detector / Y. Saitoh, T. Akamine, K. Satoh, M. Inoue, 1994. - 5 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Magnetophotonics. From theory to applications / Ed. M. Inoue, 2013 r=on-line. - Текст : электронный.

    Fabrication of a double-sided silicon microstrip detector with an ONO capacitor dielectric film / Y.Saitoh,T.Akamine,M.Inoue и др., 1995. - 6 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Radiation tolerance for the SMA2SH - series front-end chips for silicon micro-strip detector / H.Ikeda,C.Fukunaga,Y.Saitoh и др., 1996. - 15 kol. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Power-supply/ground-ripple rejection capability of the SMA2SH preamplifier array for a silicon micro-strip detector / H.Ikeda,Y.Saitoh,M.Inoue и др., 1996. - 12 kol. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Performance of a double-sided silicon microstrip detector with a wide-pitch N-side readout using a field-plate and a multi P-stop structure : Submitted to the IEEE nuclear science symp.,Nov.3-9,1996,Anaheim(Ca) / Y.Saitoh,T.Akamine,M.Inoue и др., 1996. - 7 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    [Reports] / Amer.inst.of aeronautics and astronautics. N 89-0545 : On stability of magnetically suspended rotor at high rotational speed : Rep. presented at 27th aerospace sciences meet.,Jan.9-12,1989/Reno(Nv) / K.Tsuchiya,M.Inoue,S. Akishita и др, 1989. - 9 p. . - Текст : непосредственный.

    JAERI fuel cleanup system(J-FCU) stand-alone tritium test at the TSTA : First J-FCU test with one gram of tritium on June 1991 / S.Konishi,T.Hayashi,M.Inoue и др., 1993. - 29 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    JAERI fuel cleanup system(J-FCU) stand-alone tritium test at the TSTA : J-FCU tritium test with full impuruties on Febr.,1992 / T.Hayashi,H.Nakamura,S.Konishi и др., 1993. - 31 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Joint operation of the TSTA under the collaboration between JAERI and U.S.-DOE : TSTA extended loop operation with 100 grams of tritium on Apr.-May 1992 / T.Hayashi,H.Nakamura,S.Konishi и др., 1993. - 54 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Joint operation of the TSTA under the collaboration between JAERI and U.S.-DOE : Detail performance of the J-FCU(25 days extended TSTA loop operation on Apr.-May 1992) / T.Hayashi,S.Konishi,H.Nakamura и др., 1993. - 32 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Joint operation of TSTA under the collaboration between JAERI and DOE : TSTA loop run Oct.1990 - from Oct.1990 tritium run test plan and result,TTA-TP-100-19 / S.Konishi,S.O'Hira,M.Inoue и др., 1993. - 40 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Tests of the JAERI fuel cleanup system with deuterium at the tritium systems : JFCU stand alone deuterium testJFCU stand alone deuterium test 2 / S.Konishi,S.O'Hira,T.Hayashi и др., 1993. - 46 p. - Текст : непосредственный.