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    Dubiel R.F. Sedimentologic analysis of cores from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation and the Lower Permian Cutler Formation,Lisbon Valley,Utah / R.F.Dubiel,J.L.Brown, 1993. - 40 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Dubiel R.F. Sedimentology and depositional hystory of the Upper Trassic Chinle Formation in the Unita,Piceance,and Eagle basins,northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah / R.F.Dubiel, 1992. - IV,25 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Dubiel R.F. Depositional environments of the upper triassic chinle formation in the eastern San Juan basin and vicinity, New Mexico. Trace fossils and mollusks from the upper member of the Wanakah formation, Chama basin, New Mexico: envidence for a lacustrine origin ; J. L. Ridgley, 1989. - Pag.var.

    Dubiel R.F. Depositional environments of the upper triassic chinle formation in the eastern San Juan basin and vicinity, New Mexico. Trace fossils and mollusks from the upper member of the Wanakah formation, Chama basin, New Mexico: envidence for a lacustrine origin ; J. L. Ridgley, 1989. - Pag.var. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Mineral resources of the Mount Pennell wilderness study area, Garfield County, Utah / R.F.Dubiel,C.S.Bromfield,S.E.Church и др., 1989. - VI,17, III p. III p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Mineral resources of the Fiddler Butte(East) Wilderness study area, Garfield County, Utah / R.F.Dubiel,C.K.Lee,P.P.Orkild,D.D.Gese, 1989. - V,B13 с. - Текст : непосредственный.