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    Bradbury M.H. Derivation of in situ Opalinus clay porewater compositions from experimental and geochemical modelling studies / M. H. Bradbury, B. Baeyens, 1997. - VIII,50 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Water-extractable organic matter from Opalinus clay: effect on sorption and speciation of Ni(II), Eu(III) and Th(IV) / M.A.Glaus,B.Baeyens,M.Lauber и др., 2001. - VII,44 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bericht / Paul Scherrer Inst. N 05-02 : Experimental and modelling investigations on Na-illite : acid-base behavior a. the sorption of strontium, nickel, europium a. uranyl / M.H.Bradbury, B.Baeyens, 2005. - XII,73 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bericht / Paul Scherrer Institut. Nr. 11-05 : Physico-chemical characterisation data and sorption measurements of Cs, Ni, Eu, Th, U, Cl, I and Se on MX-80 bentonite / M. H. Bradbury , B. Baeyens , 2011. - 42 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Lauber M. Physico-chemical characterisation and sorption measurements of Cs, Sr, Ni, Eu, Th, Sn and Se on opalinus clay from mont terri / M.Lauber,B.Baeyens,M.H.Bradbury, 2000. - XI, 78 p. 78 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bericht / Paul Scherrer Institut. Nr. 10-03 : Sorption data bases for generic Swiss argillaceous, crystalline and calcareous rock systems / M. H. Bradbury, B. Baeyens, T. Thoenen, 2010. - X, 46, A-1 - A-104 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bericht / Paul Scherrer Institut. Nr. 10-09 : Comparison of the reference Opalinus Clay and MX-80 bentonite sorption data bases used in the Entsorgungsnachweis with sorption data bases predicted from sorption measurements on illite and montmorillonite / M. H. Bradbury, B. Baeyens, 2010. - VIII, 34 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bericht / Paul Scherrer Inst. 04-07 : Project opalinus clay : sorption data bases for opalinus clay influenced by a high pH plume / M.H.Brandbury, B.Baeyens, 2004. - VII, 30 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bericht / Paul Scherrer Inst. N 03-02 : comparison of apparent diffusion coefficients measured in compacted Kunigel V1 bentonite with those calculated from batch sorption measurements and De (HTO) data: a case study for Cs(I), Ni(II), Sm(III), Am(III), Zr(IV) and Np(V) / M.H.Bradbury,B.Baeyens, 2003. - XI,42 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Addendum to derivation of in situ Opalinus Clay porewater compositions from experimental and geochemical modelling studies / M.H.Bradbury,B.Baeyens,F.J.Pearson,U.Berner, 1998. - 13 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Poinssot C. Experimental studies of Cs, Sr, Ni, and Eu sorption on Na-illite and the modelling of Cs sorption / C.Poinssot,B.Baeyens,M.H.Bradbury, 1999. - XII,61 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bradbury M.H. Far-field sorption data bases for performance assessment of a L/ILW repository in an undisturbed Palfris marl host rock / M.H.Bradbury,B.Baeyens, 1997. - X,137 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bradbury M.H. Far-field sorption data bases for performance assessment of a L/ILM repository in a disturbed/altered Palfris marl host rock / M.H.Bradbury,B.Baeyens, 1997. - XII,88 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bericht. № 17-04 : Estimates of the influence of radionuclide solubility limits and sorption competition on the sorption values in the SDBs of MX-80 bentonite and opalinus clay / M. H. Bradbury, M. M. Fernandes, B. Baeyens, 2017. - 28 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bericht. № 17-05 : development of a thermodynamic sorption data base for montmorillonite and the application to bentonite / B. Baeyens, M. H. Bradbury, 2017. - 61 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bericht. № 17-06 : development of a thermodynamic sorption data base for illite and the application to argillaceous rocks / M. H. Bradbury, B. Baeyens, 2017. - XV, 61 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bradbury M.H. Porewater chemistry in compacted re-saturated MX-80 bentonite: physico-chemical characterisation and geochemical modelling / M.H.Bradbury,B.Baeyens, 2002. - 42 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bericht / Paul Scherrer Inst. N 03-07 : Near field sorption data bases for compacted MX-80 bentonite for performance assessment of a high-level radioactive waste repository in Opalinus Clay host rock / M.Bradbury,B.Baeyens, 2003. - XI,124 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Bericht / Paul Scherrer Inst. N 03-08 : Far field sorption data bases for performance assessment of a high-level radioactive waste repository in an undisturbed Opalinus Clay host rock / M.Bradbury,B.Baeyens, 2003. - VII,128 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.