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    Working paper / Intern. monetary fund. WP/04/153 : Quantitative assessment of the financial sector: an integrated approach / D.Worrell, 2004. - 25 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Лицевая сторона карточкиОбратная сторона карточки

    Working paper / International monetary fund. WP/05/76 : Quantitative assessment of a financial system-Barbados / K.Chase, K.Greenidge, W.Moore, D.Worrell, 2005. - 20 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Worrell D. Financial system soundness in the Caribbean: An initial assessment / D.Worrell,D.Cherebin,T.Polius-Mounsey, 2001. - 36 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Working paper / Intern. monetary fund. WP/07/248 : Decomposing financial risks and vulnerabilities in Eastern Europe / A. M. Maechler, S. Mitra, D. Worrell, 2007. - 33 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Working paper / International monetary fund. WP/03/35 : A currency union for the caribbean / D.Worrell, 2003. - 34 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Worrell D. Price volatility and financial instability / D.Worrell,H.Leon, 2001. - 43 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Worrell D. Monetary and fiscal coordination in small open economies / D.Worrell, 2000. - 28 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Working paper / International monetary fund. WP/03/168 : Economic resilience with an exchange rate peg: the Barbados experience, 1985-2000 / D.Worrell,H.Codrington,R.Craigwell,K.Grenidge, 2003. - 23 p. - Текст : непосредственный.