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    Лицевая сторона карточкиОбратная сторона карточки

    Tanaka M. Giant charge inversion of a macroion due to multivalent counterions and monovalent coions : molecular dynamics study / M.Tanaka,A.Yu.Grosberg, 2001. - 7 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Tanaka M. Electrophoresis of charge inverted macroion complex: Molecular dynamics study / M.Tanaka,A.Yu.Grosberg, 2001. - 8 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Chuang J. Free energy self-averaging in protein-sized randon heteropolymers / J.Chuang,A.Yu.Grosberg,M.Kardar, 2001. - 5 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Research report NIFS series / Nat. inst. for fusion science. 755 : Charge inversion of a spherical/rod macroion under different coion and monovalent salt conditions:electrophoresis by molecular dynamics simulations / M.Tanaka,A. Yu.Grosberg;M.Tanaka, A. Yu.Grosberg, 2002. - 6 p.

    Research report NIFS series / Nat. inst. for fusion science. 755 : Charge inversion of a spherical/rod macroion under different coion and monovalent salt conditions:electrophoresis by molecular dynamics simulations / M.Tanaka,A. Yu.Grosberg;M.Tanaka, A. Yu.Grosberg, 2002. - 6 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Tanaka M. Electrophoresis of charge inverted macroion complex: molecular dynamics study / M.Tanaka,A.Yu.Grosberg, 2001. - 5 p. - Текст : непосредственный.