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    Swihart M.T. The thermochemistry and thermal decomposition of the chlorinated disilanes (Si2HnCl6-n, n=0-6) studied by ab initio molecular orbital methods / M.T.Swihart,R.W.Carr, 1997. - 21 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    UMSI research report / Univ. of Minnesota(Mn). Supercomputing inst. for digital simulation and advanced computation. 1999/20 : Ab initio structures and energetics of selected hydrogenated silicon clusters containing six to ten silicon atoms / M. T.Swihart,S. L.Girshick, 2002. - 527-532 p. p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Numerical modeling of gas-phase nucleation and particle growth during chemical vapor deposition of silicon / S.L.Girshick,M.T.Swihart,S.-M.Suh и др., 1999. - 12 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Swihart M.T. Ab initio structures and energetics of selected hydrogenated silicon clusters containing six to ten silicon atoms / M.T.Swihart,S.L.Girshick, 1999. - 11 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Generation and growth of nanoparticles in low-pressure plasmas / U.R.Kortshagen,U.V.Bhandarkar,M.T.Swihart,S.L.Girshick, 1999. - 4 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Swihart M.T. An ab initio molecular orbital study of the thermochemistry and reactions of the chlorinated disilenes their isomers(Si2HnCl4-n) / M.T.Swihart,R.W.Carr, 1997. - 23 p. - Текст : непосредственный.