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    ACS symposium series / Amer. chem. soc. N 433 : Agricultural and synthetic polymers : Biodegradability and utilization. Science and engineering at the 197th Nat. meet. of the Amer. chem. soc., Dallas, Tex, Apr. 9-14, 1989 / American chemical society (Washington); Meeting (197; 1989; Dallas(Tx)), 1990. - XI, 323 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    [Reports] / Amer.inst.of aeronautics and astronautics. N 90-3281 : Subsonic unmanned air reconnaissance system design : Rep.presented at the AIAA/AHS/ASEE aircraft design,systems and operations conf.,Sept.17-19 1990,Dayton,Oh. / G.Swift,K.Sebak,C.Shepard, 1990. - 11 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    [Reports] / Amer.inst.of aeronautics and astronautics. N 89-1055 : Near-field acoustic characteristics of a single-rotor propfan : Rep. presented at the AIAA 12th aeroacoustics conf.,Apr. 10-12,1989, San Antonio(Tx) / H.W.Bartel,G.Swift, 1989. - 12 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    [Reports] / Amer.inst.of aeronautics and astronautics. N 89-1058 : Fluctuating pressures on wing surfaces in the slipstream of a single-rotor propfan : Rep. presented at the AIAA 12th aeroacoustics conf.,Apr. 10-12,1989, San Antonio(Tx) / G.Swift,H.W.Bartel, 1989. - 11 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    [Reports] / Amer.inst.of aeronautics and astronautics. N 89-2012 : Special operations force (SOF) transport design studies : Rep. presented at the AIAA/AHS/ASEE aircraft design, systems a. operations conf.,July 31 - Aug.2,1989, Seattle(Wa) / W.Ibinson,G.Swift, 1989. - 11 p. - Текст : непосредственный.