
    Полное описание

    Volke, J. Electrochemistry in organic synthesis / J.Volke,F.Li@vska. - Berlin [etc.] : Springer , 1994. - VIII,153 p. p. : ill. - ISBN 3-540-57533-2. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Органический синтез электрохимический

    Аннотация: This book has been written as an introduction to the electrosynthesis of organic compounds, in particular for organic chemists. Both authors assume that the knowledge of electrochemistry of these specialists is rather poor and is usually based only on the remnants of the teaching in the courses on physical and analytical chemistry during their university studies. Even with Czech chemists one cannot expect - as it was in the past - the experience obtained in the courses on polarography. This is the reason why it was deemed necessary to write an introductory text to the electro synthesis of organics both as regards the theoretical and the methodological point of view, i.e. the fundamentals, the experimental setup, the application of various working and reference electrodes, the shape and construction of electrolysis cells, the use of suitable pro tic and aprotic solvents, the experience obtained with various supporting electrolytes, the separation and isolation of products, as well as the use of inert gases which prevent the interaction of intermediates and of final products with, for example, oxygen or traces of water. The second part of the book contains a systematic description of preparative organic electrochemical processes, the interpretation of their mechanisms and several prescriptions for synthesizing characteristical groups of compounds. As a whole the book is not written in an exhaustive way.
    Доп. точки доступа:
    Li@vska, F.

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    Государственная публичная научно-техническая библиотека России : 123298, г. Москва, ул. 3-я Хорошевская, д. 17 (Шифр в БД-источнике (KATBW): J2/25827)

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