Полное описание
Ianni, A. The 51Cr and 90Sr sources in BOREXINO as tool for neutrino magnetic moment searches / A.Ianni,D.Montanino. - S.l. : [s. n.], 1998. - 11 p. - ([Pubblicazione] INFN / Ist.naz.di fisica nucleare ; AE-98/12). - 3.00 р. - Текст : непосредственный.
Библиогр.: с.11
29.05 | 539.123.143 | |
41.17.15 | 523.9-728 | |
523-728 |
Нейтрино -- Магнитный момент
Нейтринная астрономия
Кл.слова (ненормированные): нейтрино -- нейтринная астрономия
Аннотация: Exposure to a 51Cr neutrino source as that used in Gallex will provide an excellent overall performance test of Borexino, which should collect about 1400 source induced events, with an initial rate of about 35 counts per day. This will be particularly important if MSW-small-angle turns out to be the solution of the solar neutrino problem. In addition, if an independent, accurate calibration is available, one will have an interesting experiment on neutrino properties: as an example, a neutrino magnetic moment of the order 5*10−11µB could be detected/excluded at the 90% C.L.
Доп. точки доступа:
Montanino, D.
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