Полное описание
The Earth's magnetic field compensation in the Borexino phototubes facility / G.Bacchiocchi,A.Brigatti,R.Dossi и др. - S.l. : [s. n.], 1997. - 15 p. : ill. - ([Pubblicazione] INFN / Ist.naz.di fisica nucleare ; TC-97/35). - 2.00 р. - Текст : непосредственный.
Библиогр.: с.7
41.17.15 | 539.123.074.3 | |
523.9-728 | ||
523-728 |
Нейтринные детекторы
Нейтринная астрономия
Кл.слова (ненормированные): нейтринный детектор -- нейтринная астрономия
Аннотация: In this paper a multi-coils system to compensate the Earth`s magnetic field in a volume of 2mx2mx0.6m is presented. This system will be used in the phototubes test facility of the Borexino solar neutrinos experiment. The residual magnetic field after the compensation is measured to be at a level of 1.5μT for the north-south component of the Earth` s magnetic field, 5μT for the vertical one and 8.5μT for the east-west one (not compensated).
Доп. точки доступа:
Bacchiocchi, G.
Brigatti, A.
Dossi, R.
Galbiati, C.
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