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    Лицевая сторона карточкиОбратная сторона карточки

    Лицевая сторона карточкиОбратная сторона карточки

    Лицевая сторона карточкиОбратная сторона карточки

    CRIEPI report / Central research inst.of electric power industry. N07036 : Study on tsunami due to offshore earthquakes for Korea coast - Literature survey and numerical simulation on earthquake and tsunami in the Japan sea and the East China sea / M. Matsuyama [et al.], 2008. - IV, 36 p. с. - Текст : непосредственный.

    CRIEPI report / Central research inst. of electric power industry. N05012 : activity of the Ulsan fault system based on marine terrace age study at the southeastern part of Korean peninsula / D. Inoue, C. Weon-Hack, 2006. - IX,83 p. - Текст : непосредственный.