
    Полное описание

    Weyhe, R. T. Recycling von Nickel-Cadmium Batterien durch Vakuumdestillation : Diss. / R.T.Weyhe. - Aachen : [s. n.], 2002. - XIV, 115 S. 115 S. : Ill. - 30.00 р. - Текст : непосредственный.
    Библиогр.:с. 112-114

    Аккумуляторные батареи кадмиево-никелевые -- Использование вторичное

    Кл.слова (ненормированные): кадмиево-никелевая аккумуляторная батарея
    Аннотация: The Vacuum-Thermal-Battery-Recycling Process (VTR) is the first ultra-low emission plant for Ni and Cd containing batteries to be successfully developed and installed. The economical features of this innovative process include simplification of process steps, energy savings and reduced manpower for operation. The VTR-recycling plant is made up of small recycling-devices and can be installed modular with capacities of between 500 and 5000 t/y. considering that traditional recycling plants need for example gas and water purification systems and pyrolysation stations, the VTR-system is most economical and cost-efficient even for small plants. Thus a possibility is created to construct flexible, cost reducing recycling plants in accordance with the situation of today`s market. This was the original idea of the Basel agreement.Экз-ры полностью G2/21337
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