
    Полное описание

    American institute of aeronautics and astronautics (New York).
    [Reports] : доклад, тезисы доклада / Amer.inst.of aeronautics and astronautics. - Washington : [s. n.]. - Текст : непосредственный.
    N 88-2614 : An upwind parabolized navier-stokes code for chemically reacting flows : rep.presented at the AIAA thermophysics,plasmadynamics and lasers conf.,June 27-29,1988/San Antonio(Tx) / J.C.Tannehill,J.O.Ievalts,D.K.Prabhu,S.L.Lawrence. - New York : [s. n.], 1988. - 13 p. : ill. - 1.50 р.
    Доп. точки доступа:
    Tannehill, J.C.
    Ievalts, J.O.
    Prabhu, D.K.
    Lawrence, S.L.
    Экз-ры полностью R/2668/88-2614
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