
    Полное описание

    Micromechanics and inhomogeneity : the Toshio Mura 65th anniversary vol.;Selected papers from the symp.on micromechanics and inhomogeneity held during the 1989 Winter annu.meet.of the Amer.soc.of mech.engineers in San Francisco(Ca) / American society of mechanical engineers (New York); Winter annual meeting (1989; San Francisco(Ca)); Symposium on micromechanics and inhomogeneity (1989; San Francisco(Ca)) ; Ed.: G.J.Weng; Ed.:et al. - New York, NY : Springer, 1990. - XXXV,632 p. : ill. - ISBN 0-387-97043-6 : 41.00 р. - Текст : непосредственный.
    Доп. точки доступа:
    Weng, G.J.\ed.\
    et al.\ed.\
    American society of mechanical engineers (New York)
    Winter annual meeting (1989 ; San Francisco(Ca))
    Symposium on micromechanics and inhomogeneity (1989 ; San Francisco(Ca))
    Экз-ры полностью J2/21969
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