
    Полное описание

    American institute of aeronautics and astronautics (New York).
    [Reports] / Amer.inst.of aeronautics and astronautics. - Washington : [s. n.]. - Текст : непосредственный.
    N 90-1878 : Modeling of the coupled nonlinear dynamics of booster vehicles,including flex modes,engines and slosh : rep.presented at the AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE 26th joint propulsion conf.,July 16-18,1990,Orlando(Fl) / R.Playter,M.Elgersma,B.Morton. - Washington : [s. n.], 1990. - 9 p. : ill.

    Доп. точки доступа:
    Elgersma, M.
    Morton, B.
    Экз-ры полностью 1a1e3e6ad7b4abd4f1910cf592d3e0a7

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