
    Полное описание

    Kim, K. K. Theoretical electrical engineering. Transients : textbook / Kim K. K. - Москва : Ай Пи Ар Медиа, 2024. - 172 с. - URL: https://www.iprbookshop.ru/140890.html (дата обращения: 01.08.2024) . - Режим доступа: ЭБС IPR SMART. - ISBN 978-5-4497-3043-5 : Б. ц.

    Книга находится в Премиум-версии IPR SMART.

    Кл.слова (ненормированные): магнетизм -- магнитная цепь -- физика -- электрическая цепь -- электричество -- электромагнитный процесс
    Аннотация: The textbook provides basic ideas and concepts about transient processes in electrical and magnetic circuits, both linear and nonlinear, and discusses the basic methods for calculating such circuits in transient modes. The purpose of the educational publication is to prepare the student for in-depth mastery of subsequent disciplines on this topic. The applications included in this manual allow the learning process to be implemented remotely. The textbook is intended for mastering the academic discipline “Electrical Engineering and Electronics” by students of electrical engineering and electromechanical specialties. It will also be useful for graduate students and teachers of higher technical educational institutions, as well as for engineering and technical workers involved in the design and operation of electrical devices and systems.Экз-ры полностью 140890
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