
    Полное описание

    Yuan, W. Second-Generation High-Temperature Superconducting Coils and Their Applications for Energy Storage : монография / by Weijia Yuan. - London : Springer, 2011. - on-line. - (Springer Theses). - URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-85729-742-6. - Загл. с экрана. - ISBN 978-0-85729-742-6. - Текст : электронный.
    1. Introduction -- 2. Background of Superconductors -- 3. Development of SMES Systems -- 4. Coil Design -- 5. Modelling of Superconducting Pancake Coil -- 6. Coil Tests and Applications for SMES -- 7. Conclusions.


    renewable energy resources
    renewable energy sources
    alternate energy sources
    green energy industries
    renewable and Green Energy

    Аннотация: Second-Generation High-Temperature Superconducting Coils and Their Applications for Energy Storage addresses the practical electric power applications of high-temperature superconductors. It validates the concept of a prototype energy storage system using newly available 2G HTS conductors by investigating the process of building a complete system from the initial design to the final experiment. It begins with a clear introduction of the related background and then presents a comprehensive design of a superconducting energy storage system that can store maximum energy using a limited length of superconductors. The author has created a modeling environment for analysis of the system and also presents experimental results that are highly consistent with his theoretical calculations.


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