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    analysis of flow and mass transfer during the solution growth of potassium titanyl phosphate / B. Vartak, Y. Kwon, A. Yeckel, J. J. Derby, 1999. - 20 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Representing realistic complexity in numerical models of crystal growth: three-dimensional and time-dependent flows,phase boundaries,and furnaces / J. D. Derby, A. Pandy, P. Sonda, B. Vartak, 2001. - 6 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Parallel finite element computations of three-dimensional, incompressible flows in materials processing / J.Derby,V.deAlmeida,Y.Kwon и др., 1997. - 6 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Three-dimensional computations of transport and growth for crystal growth systems / J.J.Derby,Y.-I.Kwon,C.Rojo и др., 2000. - 8 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Finite element modeling of three-dimensional fluid dynamics in crystal growth systems / J.J.Derby,Y.-I.Kwon,J.C.Rojo и др., 1998. - 20 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Vartak B. On stable algorithms and accurate solutions for convection-dominated mass transfer in crystal growth modeling / B.Vartak,J.J.Derby, 2000. - 14 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Multi-scale numerical models of crystal growth systems / J.J.Derby,B.Vartak,Y.I.Kwon и др., 2001. - 6 p. - Текст : непосредственный.