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    Neutrondefficient nuclides for positron emission tomography 12. An improved method for bromine-76 separation from enriched selenide / V.Tolmachev,A.Bruskin,H.Lundqvist и др., 1994. - 19 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Толмачев В. Neutron deficient nuclides for positron emission tomogrphy 8. Y.Development of separation technique / В. Толмачев, A. Bruskin, H. Lundqvist, 1994. - 5 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Толмачев В. Neutron deficient nuclides for positron emission tomography 9. Preliminary study of production routes of positron emitting isotopes of manganese / В. Толмачев, A. Bruskin, H. Lundqvist, 1994. - 6 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Neutrondeficient nuclides for positron emission tomography 7. Sparation of Co and Cu from ni target / V.Tolmachev,A.Bruskin,H.Lundqvist,L.Einarsson, 1994. - 7 c. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Neutrondeficient nuclides for positron emission tomography. 3. Separation of no-carrier added Cu isotopes from irradiated ZINC / V.Tolmachev,A.Bruskin,H.Lundqvist и др., 1993. - 5 p. - Текст : непосредственный.

    Neutrondeficient nuclides for positron emission tomography. 4. Production and separation of In from an enriched cadmium target / V.Tolmachev,A.Bruskin,H.Lundqvist и др., 1993. - 6 p. - Текст : непосредственный.